Googlecalendar - Ruby api and Rails plugin for Google Calendar Calendar; Documents; Photos; Sites; Groups; Search; More . Google SketchUp Ruby Plugins Development . the following link for more information: http://code.google . Tracker - Bugs ( 1 open /1 total ) Bug Tracking System - Support Requests ( 0 open /0 total ) Tech Support Tracking System - Patches ( 3 open /3 total ) Patch Tracking System Google Calendar Google Calendar is a simple Google Calendar Data API Library. . Google Calendar | ruby calendar | ruby scheduling | Google google calendar api ruby | Calendar | ruby This document explains how to get started using the Google Calendar API. . Google APIs Client Library for Ruby (alpha) google-api-ruby-client/ Ruby samples Calendar; Documents; Photos; Sites; Groups; Web . learn more about the SketchUp Ruby API . We encourage posting Ruby API questions to our Google SketchUp Developers Forum. General Ruby . Getting SSO working for Google Apps Marketplace App with Ruby . Need access to the Calendar API --> . app displays the user's next upcoming Google Calendar . ruby-on-rails ruby google-api google-calendar . I'm going to Oauath2 handshake process and getting access google calendar api ruby token (which works for get requests, so that isn't the problem.) I don't see any obvious way to import ICS files into Google Calendar from the API docs here: . For my iCal2GCal app I'm using the Googlecalendar Ruby Gem to both parse .ics . This library simplifies manipulating google calendar using google calendar. google calendar calendar api ruby calendar ruby google calendar Important: This version of the Google Calendar
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